he is staying... but she is leaving... yesterday we had training... it was the sec3s try-out session... den it was o.k... den the sec1s made JingHui cryed... coz they direspected her... n she nv say a thing... she cannot bear to scold them n punish them... till ma'am lydia ma'am nur'fa read her blog... sec1s r so fourtunate to have this kind of FS... that love them so much... den i heard that Sir chen thong is not leaving us anymore... but i was shocked that another person is leaving instead... she wants to leave quietly... lyk no announcing to all the ppl... till she leave den someone else to announce... she don wanna cry... she really care abt us a lot... but i donno y some ppl hate her... she is became our mentor during sec1... became part of us during sec2... really can't bear to leave her... she is really a nice senior... *sob*...