Carlton hotel & LV(louis vuitton)...during tiz aunt...i call her LeeWei Ah Yi... (itz pronouced as LeeWee)came to S'pore*smile* when she arrived at S'pore mum asked me to call her...*laugh* den she say...这样叫我很很老leh... (lyk that call me i feel very old)*laugh*coz she lyk only 26...*laugh*and very pretty...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the day she was raining...den nv go out...the 2nd day we went shopping the whole day...but she went to meet her client in the afternoon...after the meeting we went Takashimaya...thatz where LV came into the picture...we went in to the shop that sells LV merchandise...*shock*the ppl inside...or should i call them as salesman n women...they look lyk thoese kind of bodyguard u see in Movies...but no Sunglasses...*laugh*when u go in...someone open the door for u.......ok...lets talk abt y we when aunt's every trip to S'pore...itz a MUST for her to go LV shop...tiz time she bought a dinner bag n a...i tink itz a name-card holder...oh...the other bag is bought at the Raffles Hotel LV shop...and we bought TASTY chocolates there too...*grin* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------den we went to Carlton Hotel...where my other aunt was living...she is also here for Business Trip...

nice huh??
itz the view from the room...
but itz raining outside...
Christmas @ Orchard Road...Ysterday when a tour on Orchard road...On my dad's Lorry...*Windy*
*laugh*nice rite??but my photography skills sucks...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jolinda left for H.K tiz afternoon...
juz Kidding...
9 hour and 35 mins to my BIRTHDAY...
=) + T-T = TvT <==== laughing n crying together...
i will have two subjects todae...*smile*
i had alot of GREEN b'dae presents this yr...
letz take a look at them...
this two is bought on the dae when my jie is having her 17th b'dae on 23 Nov...
all this Tees r also from my mom...their colours r also near to GREEN...
and this "mokozi" (itz name) is from XiangYi...
she bought this for me when i'm around...
she bluffed me that she was choosing presents for her little cousin...
and in the end it was for me...
i was quite suprised...
and itz GREEN...
*laugh crazily*
i saw the DIAMOND Christmas Tree at Bugis last Sunday, 10.12.06...
i went wif Jolinda...
i was "WOW"...
BIG BIG DIAMONDS on a Christmas Tree...
nice huh??
we also ate the japanese Ice-cream...
i ate chocalate...
Picture of today...
i took a picture in the MRT today...
wif Jolianda (right) n Xiangyi (left)...

we felt that the glass made us look fummy so i took a picture...
but on the left...
beside XiangYi...
a Indian man came into the picture...
i found it quite funny...
so i didn't crop him away...
happy happy HAPPY!!!i got my new handphone todae...*laugh lyk mad!!*itz NOKIA 5300...*laugh loudly*finally onr phone that can be considered MINE!!!coz the previous 2 handphones is from my sis...

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and my mom went to the bank to change money...and itz the 1st time i see $1000 NOTE....*laugh*sound weri stupid huh??

11 daes to my BIRTHDAE!!!
thatz all for todae...=D