hahaha...yesterday had a christmas dinner with the cell group...it was at the Heeren sakae sushi...so ya...had a lot of sushi and JAP FOOD...hahahaha...thats my feedback....
so ya...

HAHA...i shall explain why is title like that...as u ppl know(if u read my previous post), just now earlier on i got my results...i got really crazy after that...straight after i stepped outta school, i started skipping...super hilarious...when i reached some void deck, i slipped and fell...super painful... *laugh like mad* than my friends ran over to help me up...i was sitting there all along laughing at my-self, total random-ness...i slipped and fell coz the floor was tiles and i was wearing my converse shoe which was super slippery when it comes to smooth surface flooring...i fell once when it was the 1st day of beakaway camp and i was on the way to meet the members at TPY mrt station...i was at the carpark near my house...that was even more embarassing...coz there was more ppl around... *feeling like a ostrich* looking of a hole to bury my head... XDXD
so ya...
i know u are now laughing super hard infront of your deskstop/laptop...
don't tell me that u never fall in your life...
*laugh* just kidding...not trying to be fierce okay?? i'm nice okay...=D
this experince is just for laughs...so... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
so ya...i'm looking forward to tml's christmas dinner with the cg...x)
note: the roses is not realted to the fall...it is to update that the roses is growing strong XDD
OH MY...i hate this feeling man...butterflys in my tummy!!
*scream*AHHHHHHHHHHH!! oh my goodness...tml also need to fast and pray...what i vision in my mind i can get it... i'm visioning i'm passing in flying colours...oooo, so happy...
but theres still things in my tummy tumbling...
*laugh* today is my birthday...so happy...went out with my sis in the afternoon...i bought her a present instead for myself... *laugh* ...than went hong kong cafe...the food there is super nice...

then met some of the cg member to have dinner...meitong, rita, nic, peixuan, junliang, jann, gabriel and jeremy came...the others didn't come coz some got drama, some mum bought/made dinner for them and some are too busy... *laugh* ...after dinner actually wanted to watch movie but we went to 600 to play pool instead...so ya...few minutes later its gonna be john's birthday... *laugh* ...so fast...
so ya...
i shall blog a little later to wish him happy birthday...
THANK YOU N284!!<3

so happy...it has a long time since there is people celebrating my birthday for me... erm...i think the only people who celebrates my birthday with me from the past till now is my sister... ya...normally the others only gives me a present... now i have the cellgroup to celebrate with me... thats why i'm so happy today... *smiling* ...so ya... i think i will break fast tml very easily...coz i think my mum will ask me to eat "mian sian" and eggs... so irritated... not because that my mum is irritating... its because i need to fast another day... *-_-* ...
to my dearesr N284:
thanks for giving me the love that i've never experience ever in my life...
(i don't know how to describe also...)
being so friendly when i first stepped into church...
and also thanks alot for the present and card that you all have given to me...
i love it alot...
so ya...
to my dearest mummy & daddy:
without u 2, there woulden't be me sitting here typing a msg to u 2...
although i sometimes really make u 2 super super angry at time...
but its all really NOT on purpose...
and now i'm gonna say something that u 2 never hear for ages...
so ya... now i'm speachless...
with LOTS of love<3,
ruiliang.(your daughter)
so...thats all...
now i'm having mixed feelings....i'm very scared for my singing thing and pek chek for the prom dress...haiz...i can't really have a good night sleep...i'm gonna have more pimple like this...
but i really need a breakthrough...i need to overcome my fright of singing on stage...
ooo... I WANNA WATCH THIS MOVIE!! *LAUGH* it remins me the time when i was younger...watching it on the TV .... SUPER DUPER CUTE!!... *screams* their voice are like CUTE!! *laugh*
its time for me to sleep...