unless they are my friend's friend...
last night chatted with a stranger...
a guy...
heres the conversation...
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: hi
Ruiliang # - : may i know who r u?? *damn puzzled*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: i'm Elvin
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: saw u on friendster
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: u mind?
Ruiliang # - : ooo *of course i mind*
Ruiliang # - : ok
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: so...care to intro?
Ruiliang # - :a gal
Ruiliang # - : 16
Ruiliang # - : thats all *anyhow intro*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: lol *i hate ppl who uses this woerd at the wrong time.*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: wad sch?
Ruiliang # - : beatty *why do u wanna know for??*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: ooh...
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: btw, wheres the campus a?
Ruiliang # - : toa payoh
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: ooh...
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: u attached a?
Ruiliang # - : ?? *what r u talkig abt??*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: u got bf?
Ruiliang # - : yes_*that was a lie...why must i tell u the truth??*
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: ic
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: hey, i gtg
Đ£ẩŧħ§Łẩώ: chat some other time k?
Ruiliang # - : k *ha...wanna find a girlfreind online?? difficult la~*
Ruiliang # - : k *ha...wanna find a girlfreind online?? difficult la~*
i was already very upset by somthing already...
then he is so stupid to talk to me at the wrong time...
dumb man...
he choose the wrong time...