the alumni camp ended on fri, 16/03...
it started on thurs, 15/03...
it was a very fun camp...
but my grp got last...
1st day
the 1st ting we did was to create grp name...
grp A's name was...
A² ( anything, anyhow )
grp B...
*laugh* ( i will tell u y i laugh ltr )
grp C [ my grp ]
Cannot also Can ... in short ... CAN
grp D...
Dupex -i tink is a condom's brand-
den the kids went pitching their tents...
part D's don have to...
we r slping in the hall...
as there r not enough tents...
den when they r doing up their tents...
we had a disscussion on wad the part Ds r doing @ cadets' night...
coz the part Ds r doing special apperance...
den we had our wonderful LUNCH...
den we had grp disscussion on the programme we r doing on cadets' night...
after disscussing...
we had circut games...
its a nombination of various games...
we must lied down a row through a track full of flour mixed wif water...
we go to a table wif a small box of flour wif a ping-pong ball inside...
we have to blow away the flour n use our mouth to take out the ping-pong ball...
we crawl under tables a benches...
den go to the slope near the basktball court...
use our mouth to get a cup of water from th pail n duck walk up that slope...
without spilling water out...
make our way to a bottle using the passing chair methods...
we have 3 chairs...
we will stand on 1 chair n put another infront...
n make out way to the other end...
n using our mouth biting on the cup n pour the water into the bottle...
n run back to the starting point...
this game made all of use wet n sticky...
coz of the misture of water n flour...
we continued wif scavenger hunt even though we r dirty...
den we had outdoor cooking as dinner...
den we got changed into fresh clothes...
den we set off to Macritchie to have our Night walk...
A² n BANZAI started 1st...
when they r back...
Can n Dupex went...
i paired wif siewkim...
when we walked in...
there was abit of light...
when we got further...
i was pitch dark...
but there were light sticks guiding us...
we were holding hands by then...
when we hear weird sounds we held very tied...
when we got to the end point...
so happy...
den we WALKED all the way BACK TO SCHOOL~
when we got back to school..
it was abt 10+...
when we finish bathing n eating supper...
it was 11 going 12...
den part Ds when to the hall n sleep...
we got in the high jump mats...
we lay on the thick matterss n chat...
after awihile...
everyone bcame slpy...
so the guys slept on the mats...
girls when to the stage n slp...
all the girls next morning siad it was hot...
n they can't slp poperly...
but i don't fell hot at all...
2nd day
we r suppose to wake up at 7.15...
n fall in at 7.30...
we r told that we need to clear up the hall...
so we did...
but we were a little late...
so we went down wif the hall still dirty...
so mr. chan gave us a little more time to clear up...
we went down after that...
he said he wanted to check...
n every litter is 10 push-ups...
he found 7...
so its 70...
but he cutted down to 30...
but while we were doing 20th push-up, we were joking around...
so sir huiwen say start from 0...
so we did 50 all togather...
we had light P.T...
den breakfast...
den we had amazing race...
we started by travelling to south toa payoh CC by foot as there is only 1 bus trip...
played basket ball...
den to Bishan library by foot...
finding a book...
and find the clue to the next locatoin...
den to school to have our lunch...
we had to feed our blind-folded grp mates...
den to bishan park connectors...
to fix pics togather n find the differences...
den to toa payoh centre...
our grp was splited into 2...
1 to entertainment centre n 1 to HUB gallery...
den back to library...
den sit a bus back to school...
we had another task at school...
1st siewkim run to the pail full of water n using mouth to bite an item out...
den latif piggy back floyd to get another item also using mouth...
den me n abigail carry mei xiang to get another item, using mouth...
den daniel, avel n *forget the name* carry *forget the name* by hand n leg...
den i tink is edwin hold salleh's leg and wheel barrel him there...
den we have to finish eating the food n run to the field...
n we got all wet by then...
bcoz every1 hide bhind the tents wif water waiting for us...
u know wad happened...
den we went back to the parade square all wet...
we changed to another set of clothes n slippers...
and the kids went to unpitch the tents...
art Ds went talking...
den we setted up the pits for BBQ...
the kids went to pack up n take their bags down...
den we also went...
den we started our BBQ...
den we had no time for cadets' night..
coz no time...
den clear up...
we went home at abt 9+ at night...
i reached home abt 9 going 10...
the BANZAI ting...
in that grp...
there is a sec 1 call Jia Shen...
wherever he go he will shout "BANZAI~~!!"
next mornin went to meet xiangyi, ah tan, chrysan n xingcun they all...
they going watch the CCS auditin for girls...
den went home wif a great pain on my legs...