♥year 2 sem 1. nice people^^…
but now i can’t help to rant about lessons. today is microecons!! and i’m dying from it… its really boring!! seriously, and the faci is really demanding man…. who says RP = slack?!!? getting thrown into situations and finding solutions/advises for them within like 3/4 hrs? crazy man!!! maybe our assignments are lesser than the other polys but the stress level is as high. and when we are spamming our FB and twitter like nobodies’ business, it doesn’t mean we are slacking, its because we can find time in between our work. every week, formal wear twice, stuffy clothes and super painful heels. imagine that^^
school is stressful, lots of rules to follow(no slippers, no shorts, no tanktops), tons of pre-readings to-do. its seriously very tiring man… and its only like the 3rd week of school and i feel so tired. when its school time; i sleep like a pig, when its holidays; i can’t sleep. =.= weird uh? but classmates is another reason for me to go school. i can say we(in fact, some of us) bonded instantly within a week, joked and pretty much we went a little crazy(?). seriously, can i sleep everyday?
p.s. i have moved to tumblr, might be temporary.

tiring week man....
monday had something like a orientation training... super tired. haven't perspire that much in weeks... learnt a dance, and my group, BREAST(best) team, went crazy. lol.
tuesday went for class chalet, super fun. its more like a clique chalet then a class chalet. not more that 20 came...
wednesday went to work without even sleeping the previous night... went high while working. LOL, i think my manager thought i was really crazy for a moment... at night went to riverside point, clarke quay to celebrate the manager's birthday...
thursday went to work again for another 10+ hrs... dead tired.
friday, SOH CAMP!! i overslept, lucky eliene called me, if not i will be still in lala land. took a cab down, and its freaking $21!!! gosh... but really had fun yesterday.then after that went to meet the enthus for a meal at tpy. then went home for my bed^^
so yar....
gotta go prepare for later...
gonna meet people and give them their things, and head down for church~
so yar...
i got tricked by jolinda yow jia min early in the morning. lol=.= actually its not exactly that early, but in the noon while i was still lazing on my bed half awake. telling "me" that "i" injured myself, she accidentally forwarded a text that was for xiangyi saying that i injured myself. lol. but actually she wanted to tell me that xiangyi injure herself, sprained her ankle and she's on cast. i dumbly believed her when i was still thinking that how can a person be on cast because she only sprained her ankle. lol. GOSH!!! LOLXD.
i wish no one is gonna come here and trick me again... i feel cheated!! just kidding lar....
okay, yesterday went sentosa with nic. actually wanted to have a suntan. but the sun was too shy to come out and greet us. so we went into koufu and sit instead... lol. and nic ended up practicing her BS preaching on me=.= i sat there and listened to her preach for 40mins? i think so.... but then she couldn't go for i think the test because of family dinner=.= then went back to vivo to have frozen yogurt, yigloo!! yumyum~ hoho... my cravings are fulfilled... lol
so yar.... gotta go already.

goshgosh!! tomorrow is D-day, choir audition! of all things i dislike. i hate interview, auditions and stuffs that require you sit to talk to someone/ a bunch of people or worst to sing and dance infront if them.... MAJOR OH MY GOSH!!!! i feel like i'm gonna die of the ants and butterflies in my tummy!!!!! oh my gosh!!!!!!! can someone just kill me??!! why did i just agree to barry with it??!! should have thought of it longer...
but on a more joyful note,i have took a step of faith on what God wants me to do....
but now!!!! i'm gonna die of the nervousness!! oh my, oh my, oh my gosh!!! oh~ TT TT aigoo..... Liew Ruiliang, gogogo!! 刘瑞亮, gogogo!! yoo seoyang, 아자!아자!파이팅!! oh my~
got to go sleep already....
pray for me~

hey all, i'm back~ lol
Wednesday went to cycle with azura, jo and xy... had a great time, had been a long time since we came together and cycle(: we all saved our transport fee, because azura drove!! feels good to have someone to drive us around, and no matter how loud we talk, no one will stare at us.... lol. the photos are all in
xy's fb... haha, she brought the camera and i took most of the photos. hahahhaa. that night went to the hawker centre at ecp to eat... super full, then we went back by the shore to slack...
Thursday went to visit wenyu at night with nic. was suppose to go at 2pm and meet ivan to bring us there, in the end both of us over slept till about 3pm.. hahahhahaa. then we reached there at about 7pm, went downstairs and chatted while looking at wenyu's dog run around in the park. super funny.... then went back at about 9plus going 10pm. then nic and i went to lorong 5 to eat because we haven't ate since we woke up... lol.
and for today, friday, i'm stuck at home doing nothing, how i wish mummy and sis can be back soon... so bored at home to be with that bro and dad that have OT almost everyday.... sigh.
going off now...

guess what.. i think i've lost my camera since CNY!! lol~ i just realised because i sort of remember i haven't start editing photos regarding CNY== gosh!! i just did a mini search in my room and i seem to can't find it== okay, i think i gotta do a through search for the house sometime...
this week was kinda another wasted week. monday, wednesday and friday, i literally sat infront of my pudding, stared at it for almost the whole day, if not i will be napping, partially also because of the medication for my skin. tuesday was much more of a fruitful day. went out with nic and applied for quite a few jobs, and we were super happy with it. initially thought that we needed to walk the whole orchard to find a job. in the end we only walked finish orchard ion and we applied for like 4 jobs and another 2 in hand, in case that no one called from the 4 place. but actually i'm pretty worried bout the 4, coz till today no one called yet for any confirmation or interview. thurday went for the compulsory 4hrs of makeup session by The Body Shop for all hospitality girls== waked up super early, and CHONGCHONG PS-ED ME!! she wasn't able to wake up== nevermind, since i got to woodlands already, i might as well just go. but actually 4 hours flied pass us like nobodies' business.LOL. then they thought us bout skin care and the most important thing that they were there for is makeup. we a full face hands on makeup session, step by step. and the makeup artist kinda hinted me that my skin is like shit. I KNOW!! THATS WHY I WENT TO A DOCTOR== i felt kinda weird with full face of makeup, my head was down all the time on the bus trip home. super weird!! gosh. reached home at about 2 then slept all the way till midnight. hehehe((:
i think i kinda wasted my holidays on sleeping and surfing the net.. I SERIOUSLY NEED MY JOB NOW!! PLEASE CALL ME, JOBS!! I DON'T WANNA WASTE TIME JOB HUNTING AGAIN TT TT *sigh*
so yar....
gotta go and sleep now...
if not i'll get more sick..
oh, did i mention that i think i have throat infection and i'm running slight fever??...
aye, nvm><.
went out in the night with steph and grace.... bought sushi and strawberries at cold storage then went outside Singapore Arts Museum to have a last minute picnic.... LOL. then grace wanted to do medicure, so went to far east, but i was closed... then we walked back to Ion, wanting to get frozen yogurt, but its also closed... then we saw nic and her siblings, and nic is with the yogurt, so she fed us some.... LOL. hahhahahhahahhaha then we sat around and talked for awhile....
as we are still hungry, we went to have BonChon Chicken!!((: super nice.... hahhahaha.its a korean kinda chicken sold on the korean street in NYC~ hahahaha. should try~ then we went home... hahhahahaha....
so yar....
hahaha.... its been a long time since i've updated, heh? hahahahhaa.. i'm now having holidays and ITS BO-RING!!!~ and i'm super lazy to update, and nothing to update anyways=.= LOL... and i can't really work much, as there is also other poly students having holidays, they can't possibly squeeze everyone into that tiny shop right? ><>okay, today got up early thinking that mummy will bring me for my appointment at the polyclinic.. in the end, waited for my lazy bum sister to crawl out of her sty... .=.= in the end we went to eat first before going... and guess what time we finished everything, 4PM!!! gosh... that was such a long wait=.= actually my sister wanted to psycho mummy to go get her iphone and my lollipop(which i never mentioned that i wanted it today==), but mummy said next month... so i think i'll be anticipating for it to come, as march is like NEXT WEEK!! WOOOHOOOO~:D hahahhahahahaha...=.=
then after clinic, went to ntuc shopped for groceries and all, bought some food on the way and HOME SWEET HOME!!
coz today i like one day in a few hundreds that i can spent with mummy and sister, not that i'm not always at home, but they are always busy with work...
and i gotta constantly remind myself to deposit money into the bank and transfer chrysan the drinking money... because i keep forgetting bout it..
so yar....

GUESS WHAT I'VE FOUND??!! MY PRIMARY SCHOOL PHOTOS AND ALSO MY SEC 2 NCC CAMP FEAST PHOTO!!XD that is found when i was cleaning my table just now... hahhahahahha. those photos were taken like donkey years ago.... wooooo=.= mad~

okay, actually i'm here to update 'bout my week...
saturday, accounts final exam!! that was....GOOD actually, managed to finish everything except the 1st question that worth 16 marks? come on, its like cashflow statement and i skipped that lesson^^ other than that everything for FA went pretty well... initially thought i was gonna go into a class full of stangers, but i have my classmates, suks and farrah and also ruth, a classmate from last sem. and how nice that i forgotten that it was a saturday, and i was suppose to go for church service that day and i wore what? SANDALS, 3/4s AND A SHIRT!! how wonderful, how SLOPPY!! GOSH!!>< service="="">
sunday, stayed at home to clear the house and most importantly is my room!! my sis didn't have the time,so i did it all by myself, proud^^
monday, entrepreneurship final exam!! able to finish as well, not as tough as i thought((:
tuesday, cognitive final exam~ can do,like duh!! majority is common sense, the 6Ps isn't much of a help....
today, TODAY, TODAY!! IS THE MOST DREADFUL, MATH II FINAL EXAMS!! most likely they are gonna make me re-take it in year 4?? it's like shit, seriously!! at most vectors, matrix and a little of integration i know how to do, but the rest?? forget about it man... the questions stare at me, i stare back. thats all==
came back home and ate with mummy, and went on to clear my desk.... and the rest of the story is up thereXD
there is more upcoming events that i'm involved....
CNY church service, this friday...
meeting up with the 5Ns @ clarke quay to drink? thats what they say, this friday....
Chingay help out, which is next friday?
freaking 4hrs of compulsory Body Shop make-up session for all female students in SOH, early march....
SOH camp & Freshman Orientation, late march till early april?
might be going back for a visit, the date?? i'm also not so sure==
so yar...
thats all...
it's been a long time since i posted something so long, huh?
going off now....

the lovables!!
Kelly-Ann - open bitch
Lesden - gossip boy. lol
Chloe - Dumb Blonde.
Louisa - lovable and smart ah lian
Samu - Butch-with love
Angeline Neo - Loud Speaker
Angeline Chong - Rudolf reindeer
Stanley - LaMomie
Nicole - partner-in-crime
Pauline - stan gf
Farrah - Liverpool Girl
Natasha - BOOBalicious
Ira - irastarbuckscoffeeclubmarcandspencers
Zaf - perv!
XiaoJing - Emo
Athirah closet bitch
Natalie - gansta
Manfred - EmoNemo
Ruiliang, me -BURNT!
Sam - smart luh!
Abby - Movie Girl
Suks - Climb much?
Naqiah - anger siol!
Kenny - Goateeee boy!!
the extra RETARD-DOS!!!!
Mushroom Loser!
China Beijing
AMIN, forever not here and late.
Kenneth Ong
Nicole Wang
Siew Yan
Charles Horny
Jalen Wong
John Chua

this is like super sian.... having accounts revision now. then the faci going through basics and tons of new terms... my brain is failing on me man.... tired.
i better get back and listen...

so sian...
monday, my necklace broke.
yesterday, saw FA UT2 result, OMGosh!!
today, KBB's lesson~
tomorrow, tradeshow, need to wear formal!! argh.
how i wish i can be like the cat, walk everywhere, sleep as and when it likes....... i wanna sleep!! and another thing, venue for UT3 is like jumbled up!! everyone is like separated!! luckily, i am in the same class with Stanley for cognitive UT!! wooo... i'm not alone~ hohohoho...
i conclude...
this week is...
gotta go now...

flu. fever. cramp.
shit man... why is it always like that??!! irritated man... my attendance is already like a piece of crap.. argh!!
okay.... today is gonna be the last day of being daddy, mummy and jiejie!! and i'm happy bout that... that means i no need to cook and eat on my own... WOOOOOO!!! being without them i think i might die or something... hahahahha, i was just kidding=P i won't die so easily~ today at home is so boring... lying in bed in pain. thank God that the pain went away after putting a bottle of warm water on my tummy while sleeping((: nice. gotta go clean my room before they come home tomorrow, if not, i think my sis will hold a knife and hack me~ hahahahaha, once again, i'm just kiddingXP
got to go now...

today math was sucking my soul from me...
thank God i can meet up with nic, jere and also the members. if not i will reach home feeling really dead and even more dead. LOL... actually i'm not really feeling exactly better, because i had beer before i had dinner at timbre@old school, having a minor headache and stomachache now... haha. chatting with vann on msn now while posting...
okay, before timbre, went out with nic and jere. nic went to get her cny clothes. then about 6+ went to PS and meet the rest. then went timbre to celebrate LX's b'day and somehow celebrated steph's birthday also... at 1st gab and john sneaked to the back to give steph a b'day song dedication. she was shocked... hahahaha. then not long after, steph and grace also did the same, but for LX. hahhaha. had pizza and also beer for dinner, shared the pizza with kev, and gave half of my beer to john and gab... haha, coulden't take it.. so yucky. then sat around and talked. and then bus-ed home with steph(only on 190) and kev.
reviews on my haircut:
mummy and jiejie(through webcam): okay what, not that short...=.=
nicolette: your hair looks flat(==) and the auntie layered alot....
grace: now i can see your eyes, they look bigger now(==). you look more awake... hahaha
kev: not used to see you with so short fringe...
john: you look like small girl, secondary school girl....(==)
gotta sleep now...

barely talked to.
barely visible to others.
never included.
never asked.
never cared.
never concerned.
never noticed.
never directed.
always lonely.
always quiet.
always lost.

finished a few days ago...

i'm gonna rush finish this pair of shoes before jiejie goes back with mummy and daddy this weekend.. hehehehe
got to go now...